The United States aerospace, at least stained by leading airlines. Among the many airlines, there are legendary aircraft products that have their own history.
Here are 5 famous American aircraft manufacturers.
1. The Boeing Company
The Boeing Company is an aircraft and aerospace manufacturer, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with its largest production facility in Everett, Washington, near Seattle, Washington. He is also a defense contractor, and a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Boeing was founded by William Edward Boeing, who was originally a successful businessman and woodcutter. Together with his colleague George Conrad Westervelt in 1916, he founded an aircraft manufacturing company which was then called Pacific Aero Products. The two main divisions of Boeing are Boeing Integrated Defense Systems (IDS), responsible for military and space products, and Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA), responsible for civil aircraft.
2. McDonnell Douglas
McDonnell Douglas is a well-known United States aerospace company. The company was formed in 1967 as a result of a merger between Douglas Aircraft Company and McDonnell Aircraft Corporation. In 1997 McDonnell Douglas became part of Boeing.
3. Northrop Grumman Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corporation is an aerospace and defense conglomerate which was the result of a merger in 1994 between the Northrop and Grumman companies. The main components were added later with the takeover of Logicon, Teledyne Ryan, Litton (Ingalls, Avondale), Newport News, and TRW (sans LucasVarity). In 2005 Ronald Sugar was the CEO.
The most famous product from Northrop Grumman is B-2 Spirit. In 2002 the company employed 120,000 people working in hundreds of locations in the US and beyond, and had annual revenues of US $ 17.2 billion (~ Rp150 trillion).
4. Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin adalah sebuah produsen pesawat dibentuk pada 1995 dengan merger dari Lockheed Corporation dengan Martin Marietta. Dia bermarkas di Bethesda, Maryland dan mempekerjakan 135.000 orang di seluruh dunia. Sampai 2007, Robert J. Stevens adalah CEOnya. Lockheed Martin adalah sebuah kontraktor pertahanan utama. Pada 2003 hampir 80% dari pelanggannya adalah Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat dan Pemerintahan Federal Amerika Serikat lainnya.
5. Gulfstream Aerospace Corporatio
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation is a manufacturer of several jet aircraft models. Gulfstream has been a General Dynamics unit since 2001. The company has produced more than 1,500 aircraft for governments, companies, private and military customers worldwide. More than a quarter of Fortune 500 companies operate Gulfstream aircraft.